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Using the Student Dashboard

The student dashboard gives you a heads up view on upcoming and previous exams.

The student dashboard gives you a heads up view on upcoming and previous exams.


Dashboard buttons

The buttons at the top will break down your exams into

Exams available to take now

The number of exams that are ready for you to start right now.
Select this button to jump to a filtered list of these exams.

New exams starting over the next 10 days

The number of exams that are scheduled to start to start in the next 10 days.
Select this button to jump to a filtered list of these exams.

Exams submitted awaiting feedback

The number of exams that you have already taken and are awaiting grades and feedback for.
Select this button to jump to a filtered list of these exams.

Exams with feedback received

The number of exams that you have already taken and have received grades and feedback for.
Select this button to jump to a filtered list of these exams.

Upcoming Exams

The "Upcoming Exams" panel will list any exams you have coming up in the next ten days:


Open Exams

"Open Exams" are Exams that are ready to join. Exams are "Open" 15 minutes before they start. If the Exam permits late joining – joining the Exam after the start time you can still join the exam up to the end time.


Select the Exam name to go directly to the "View Exam" screen:


You can enter the lobby before the Exam or if the Exam has late joining enabled, during the exam.


Upcoming Exams

"Upcoming Exams" are Exams that are not yet ready to join. Select the Exam name to go directly to the "View Exam" screen:


You will not be able to enter the lobby until closer to the Exam start time.



The mini "Calendar" panel gives you a monthly calendar view of previous and upcoming Exams. Just select the Exam to go straight to its "View Exam" screen.


Dates featuring more than one Exam are denoted with a dot. To see a list of Exams for that date, just select the dot:

To view a larger version of the Calendar where you can filter by Courses, go to Exam Calendar:


Previous Exams

You can view a list of all Previous Exams and their status in this panel: