Using the Document Creator
You can create Exam Papers directly within BetterExaminations Workflow
Uploading a document is just one of the ways you can add exam papers to BetterExaminations. If you’d prefer the flexibility of adding and editing exam questions directly within BetterExaminations you can use the Document Creator Tool.
To create a new document select the Document Type from Uploaded Documents. Select Upload New Version.

When selected, you’ll be directed to a screen with an option to create a “New Paper” or “Upload a new version”. Select New Paper.

You can now start creating questions with the text editor and add formatting.
Documents are auto-saved so if you close your browser while creating the exam a version is saved automatically.
To add a question, select the +New Question button in the left-hand column. You can delete a question using the trash can icon on the right-hand side.

Images, tables and scientific notation are added via the toolbar:

The “Comments” tab is where comments and feedback are added by lecturers, external examiners or administrators.
Comments are tracked between versions so you don't lose important information during the exam creation process.

Exam papers can be previewed in the Exam Manager screen and if you need to make a change you can edit the document which creates a new version once submitted.

Once you have completed your version, you can press the green Submit Version button and your version will be saved.