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Grading an Exam and releasing results

A graded Exam can be released at any point after the Exam Sitting's end time has passed.

Grades can be released at any point after the Exam Sitting's End Time has passed. Released grades can be pushed to a third-party gradebook if one has been configured.


Go to the "Exam Sittings" tab in the "Edit Exam" screen of your selected Exam:



In the "Exam Sittings" tab you can see a list of the Exam Sittings that are associated with this Exam.


From the "Options" dropdown you can view the following for all Exam Sittings:

  • Download all submissions – download a .CSV file that you can open in your favorite spreadsheet application
  • Exam response analytics – view a report that summarizes exam responses to help you identify trends

To select a Sitting, click on the "Sitting Description". This will open the "Exam sitting overview" screen which provides a summary of the Exam Sitting details:


You can use the tabs or the blue buttons to view the submissions, students, scheduling and proctoring details.


If the Exam Sitting has already received Submissions they will be listed in the table.


Since this Exam contained auto-scored questions the results have already been calculated. You can see the number of questions each of the Students answered correctly out of the total number of questions. You can also see the calculated percentage grade given.


To see a further breakdown of scores hover over the scoring bar:


From the example above, we can see that one Student has not taken the Exam (Darina) and another (Jane) did not attempt any questions.


From the "Options" dropdown you can download the submissions as a .CSV file or access the exam analytics for this Exam Sitting.


Select a student's name to view their answers. The answers appear on the left and with scoring and feedback options on the right:


In this example, some of the questions are auto scored. You can still use the +Provide Feedback button to provide more detail to the Student but you can't adjust the score for an auto scored Question.


For non-auto scored Questions, like an Essay, you can manually add the score. You can adjust the scoring settings you've configured for that question).


When scores and Question feedback have been added you can see the Total score and provide "Overall feedback" at the bottom of the page.


The total score percentage is adjusted based on the score weighting and is updated as the scores are input so there's no need to save before seeing scoring changes.


When you are finished adding feedback, hit "Save feedback".


Releasing results

Now that marking is complete you can release the grades. When you select Exam is ready for release to students the "Release results" button becomes active:


When you select Release results a prompt will ask you to confirm. If you are happy to go ahead select the Release results button:


When the results have been released the prompt will close and an alert will be displayed on the Submission screen. The Exam status will also change to "Completed":




Students will see their results and feedback immediately.


If some students' exams haven't yet been graded, they will not receive a notification. If those Exams are subsequently graded they will see their results when their grades are saved.