Help & Documentation

How do I Approve and Manage a Document ?

This article will outline the simple ways to manage a document.

When using BetterExaminations EMS, its simple to manage and control any exam material that has been added by a lecturer or external examiner. 


First, select the paper you want to manage. This can be done by clicking the 'Exams' tab and filtering down to the Exam Paper you want to check out. 

Once you have selected the Exam Paper, you can then click the document you want to manage, for example the 'Agreement Form' (See Below). Here you will be shown the different versions that have been uploaded by lecturers and external examiners. 


Now, you can click 'Options' located on the version of the document. This will produce a number of options for you to manage the document, for example, to 'Approve/Disapprove Paper', 'Approve the Paper for Printing' and 'Allowing or Disallowing re-uploads' by a certain lecturer. 

This page also provides live data about the document which can be seen on each version, such as, if it has been approved by the external examiner and when it has been uploaded.