Help & Documentation

Accessing Past Exam Papers

In this help article we explain how students and staff can access past examination material.

The BetterExaminations Exam Management system allows users to see papers which have been made available generally to students and staff. 

In order to do so please first head here, and select your college in the dropdown. 

Then you will be brought to a page which prompts you to login, if you have a college account please click the button which says "Click to login with Single Sign In". You will be brought to a page where you can login on your college's authentication system.
Otherwise, click "Sign in with email / password directly" if you do not have an internal college account.

Once logged in you will be redirected automatically to the past paper viewer if you are a student, if you are a member of staff you will need to click "Past Papers" in the top right hand navigation bar on the screen.

Below is the past paper viewer:

There are two dropdown input boxes near the top of the screen, change the one on the left to change courses, the one on the right will allow you to switch to different modules within that course. 

You can switch years by clicking the years below the dropdown boxes, the paper will automatically update below as you change the options.

If you require any help, click help in the top right of the screen.