Log in with email and password
Use this article to learn how to log in.
If you have been given access to the system by the college, you will receive an email to activate your account.

Follow the instructions in the email and begin by clicking the 'Click here to activate account' button which will redirect you to the college's website to log in.
If you you have an EduGate Single-Sign-On account, then you can click Sign On With Single Sign On when prompted, please click here for detailed instructions to complete this process.
If not, then you will be required to set up your password as shown below.

Once you set your password you will be directed to a new screen confirming that your password has been set, which looks like this:

Once you click Continue to Login, you will be directed to the exam papers system where you can now login with your new account and password:

Put your email address in here that you were signed up with (this will be the same email address that the original email invitation was sent to), and the password is the one you just entered.