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The Practice Exam

To get you familiar with taking an exam with BetterExaminations Online you can take a non-scored Practice Exam.

To get you familiar with taking an exam with BetterExaminations Online you can take a non-scored Practice Exam. This ensures that you are familiar with taking an exam in a stress-free, no-risk environment so you can get an idea of what a real exam will feel like.


To take a Practice Exam go to "Practice Exam" from the left-hand navigation and select Start Practice Exam:

The Practice Exam link in the left hand navigation

When the Practice Exam starts you can answer nine questions, each question is a different Question Type so you can try out the different kinds of questions that can be used with BetterExaminations Online. Because the Practice Exam is not graded you don't have to worry about getting the answers right.


The blue shaded area above the question provides instructions about the question.

While you're trying out the Practice Exam have a look at the additional features like fullscreen and reviewing answers:



When you've reviewed your answers you can finish the quiz. When it has been submitted you will see the following:


You can take the Practice Exam as many times as you like.