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Exam Reports

How to view a variety of reports on an exam level

We have built-in several key reports that allow you to extract key insights across each of your exams. Exam reports include data from all exam sittings within that exam. 

Important information regarding available reporting data 

Currently, reporting data is only available for exam submissions that were submitted after the report type was released. This means that any submissions submitted before the date shown below will not be included in the report.

We are working on making this data available and will update documentation when this data becomes available. 

Report type Available for submissions on or after 
Average time spent per question  July 6th, 2023 
Auto-scored question performance  September 5th, 2023
Time to complete September 5th, 2023
Engagement All time
Pass / Fail  June 9th, 2023 



To view exam reports, open the exam and select the 'Reports' Tab. You can switch between the Report type by using the dropdown menu on the top right. 


Exporting reports to CSV

It is possible to export any of the below reports to a CSV file.

To export a report to CSV, select the 'Options' dropdown, and click on 'Download report as CSV'


Average time spent per question

This report includes data from all exam sittings and tells you the following information

  • How much time students spent on average on each question
  • What question students spent, on average, the most time on 
  • What question students spent, on average, the least time on 
  • The average time spent on any question 

To view more details about most time spent, least time spent, and average time spent overall, hover over the blue icon to see the details tooltip 

Auto-scored question performance 

This report shows how students performed on auto-scored questions. It gives a breakdown of each question and how many students got the question correct (full marks) versus incorrect. 

This report gives you insights into question difficulty and helps identify problematic questions that might be 'too easy' or 'too difficult'. 

To view this report, select 'Auto-scored question performance' from the report dropdown 

Your report will look like this and show 

  • The question title
  • The question stem 
  • The question type 
  • Total number of students that got full marks on the question (Correct)
  • Total number of students that did not get full marks on the question (Incorrect)
  • P-Value
  • Discrimination Index 

What is the discrimination index and how is it calculated? 
The discrimination index indicates the extent to which success on a question corresponds to success on the whole test. The discrimination index (DI) is calculated by taking the top 27% of submissions (U) and the bottom 27% of submissions (L) and dividing by 6. 

The formula is: DI = (U-L)/6 (rounded to the nearest 10th)

NOTE: To see this calculation, there must be at least 6 submissions for the exam sitting. 

Time taken to complete the exam

This report will show you how long each student took to complete the exam. It will also show you the average time taken to complete the exam.

To access this report, simply select the 'Time to complete' report from the dropdown menu in the reports tab. 


Exam Engagement

This report will show you engagement levels on your exam. It will tell you how many students completed the exam, how many abandoned it, and how many did not attempt it at all. 

To access this report, simply select the 'Engagement' report from the dropdown menu in the reports tab. 




This report will show you how many students passed or failed this exam. 

Note: Pass/Fail is calculated when releasing results to students. This report will only include those students whose results have been released. 

Note: If results were released before a pass/fail option was enabled on the exam, these students will not appear in this report. 

To access this report, simply select the 'Pass/Fail report from the dropdown menu in the reports tab.